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Sum it up but keep it short

Another quick and easy way to keep the writing wheels oiled is to create a one-sentence summary of something you’ve recently read or written.

Another quick and easy way to keep the writing wheels oiled is to create a one-sentence summary of something you’ve recently read or written.

After reading an interesting blog post or article or after doing some active copying or speedwriting, you can sum up the main idea in only one sentence.

You can also do this after your relaxed reading, watching a TV episode or a movie or listening to a song.

You can do it as soon as you’ve finished with the text or later.

This technique helps you to focus on choosing the best expression and structure to get your message across.

It’s also good practice for writing headlines for your blog posts or captions for your videos.

And you can use paper, your phone or just do it in your head.

So to sum up:

Making one-sentence summaries of the main ideas of articles, books, movies, etc fosters accurate and concise writing.

Feel free to share your one-sentence summary with me.

© Christina Wielgolawski